Papers in International Journals
- Rezaei Ali, Mahdian Safarali, babaeizad Valiollah, Hashemi-petroudi seyed Hamidreza, Alavi Seyyed Mohammad, 2019/03/30, RT-qPCR Analysis of Host Defense-Related Genes in Nonhost Resistance: Wheat-Bgh Interaction, Russian Journal of Genetics, 55, 330-336
- Rezaei Ali, Mahdian Safarali, Hashemi-petroudi seyed Hamidreza, babaeizad Valiollah, Rahimian Heshmatollah, Goodwin Paul, 2022/02/18, Correction to: Nonhost resistance EST profiling of wheat interacting with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei identifies genes for durable resistance to powdery mildew, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PLANT PATHOLOGY, 162, 1-15
Papers in National Journals
- Bavand Savadkoohi Sorena, Mahdian Safarali, babaeizad Valiollah, Tajick Ghanbary Mohammad Ali, 2019/11/30, Identification of Phomopsis species on some ornamental and forest plants in Iran on the basis of the morphological and molecular, journal of ornamental plants, 9, 223-231
- Amarloo omidali, mohammadi hoshang, Mahdian Safarali, Tajick Ghanbary Mohammad Ali, 2020/06/08, Identification and pathogenicity of fungal species associated with grapevine trunk diseases in Khorasan-Razavi province, Iran, mycologia iranica, 7, 32-21
Presented Papers in International Conferences
- Mahdian Safarali, Azizollah Alizadeh, Torabi Mohammad, Ghanadha Mohammadreza, Saeidi Abbas, third International Iran and Russia Conference “Agriculture and Natural Resources”, poster presentation, brief article, Resistance genes to Puccinia recondita f. sp. tritici on eight Iranian wheat cultivars., 2002/09/18, 2002/09/20
- Mahdian Safarali, Torabi Mohammad, Azizollah Alizadeh, Ghanadha Mohammadreza, Saeidi Abbas, XVTH INTERNATIONAL PLANT PROTECTION CONGRESS, poster presentation, brief article, Pathogenic specialization of Puccinia recondita f. sp. tritici in Iran, 2004/05/16, 2004/05/20
- Mahdian Safarali, Dehghan Mohammadali, Ahmadian Moghadam Mohammad, XVTH INTERNATIONAL PLANT PROTECTION CONGRESS, poster presentation, brief article, Identification of wheat leaf rust (Puccinia recondita f. sp. tritici) pathotypes in Mazandaran and Golestan provinces of Iran in 2003, 2004/05/16, 2004/05/20
- Poormahdi Alamdarlu Reza, Mahdian Safarali, Aghajani Mohammadali, Mirabadi Ali zaman, Esmaeili far Eshagh, The third international conference Oilseeds and edible oils, announcer, brief article, A review of the biological control of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum causal agent of canola, 2010/12/23, 2010/12/25
- Poormahdi Alamdarlu Reza, Aghajani Mohammadali, Mahdian Safarali, Mirabadi Ali zaman, Esmaeili far Eshagh, The third international conference Oilseeds and edible oils, poster presentation, brief article, The biology of fungal diseases of oilseed rape in northern Iran and ways to control them., 2010/12/23, 2010/12/25
- Ramzani Amir, Mahdian Safarali, Tajick Ghanbary Mohammad Ali, asadi nourolah, conference of medical herbs and stable agriculture, poster presentation, complete article, The effect of chitosan on fungi digitatum penicillium mold agent for citrus greening Laboratory conditions, 2015/08/23, 2015/08/25
- Ramzani Amir, Mahdian Safarali, Tajick Ghanbary Mohammad Ali, asadi nourolah, conference of medical herbs and stable agriculture, poster presentation, complete article, Comparison of plant essential oils) communis Myrtus (and Tyabydazvl in controlling fungi digitatum penicillium in laboratory conditions, 2015/08/23, 2015/08/25
- ramazani domirkolaie amir, Mahdian Safarali, Tajick Ghanbary Mohammad Ali, Asadi Nourolah, The first international and the fourth national conference of medical herbs and stable agriculture, poster presentation, complete article, Comparison of my communis and tibundazole essential oil in control of penicillium digitatum fungi in laboratory conditions, 2015/12/17, 2015/12/17
- ramazani domirkolaie amir, Mahdian Safarali, Tajick Ghanbary Mohammad Ali, Asadi Nourolah, The first international and the fourth national conference of medical herbs and stable agriculture, poster presentation, complete article, Effect of chitosan on control of the penicillium digitatum fungus citrus green mold in laboratory conditions, 2015/12/17, 2015/12/17
- ramazani domirkolaie amir, Mahdian Safarali, Tajick Ghanbary Mohammad Ali, Asadi Nourolah, The first international and the fourth national conference of medical herbs and stable agriculture, poster presentation, brief article, Comparison of my communis and tibundazole essential oil in control of penicillium digitatum fungi in laboratory conditions, 2015/12/17, 2015/12/17
- Begjaei Safa, Mahdian Safarali, Ebrahimi Abdolghayoom, Second International conference and the fifth national conference of Environment and Agricultural Research on Iran, poster presentation, complete article, Evaluation of Olive cultivar resistance against Peacock spot disease (Spilocaea oleaginea) in Mazandaran and Golestan provinces, 2016/03/03, 2016/03/03
- Motalebi Azam, Mahdian Safarali, Tajick Ghanbary Mohammad Ali, Ghasemi Mir Shahram, The second international conference on new findings of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment, poster presentation, complete article, Determine bactericidal effect of of silver nanoparticles synthesized from Trichoderma viridae, 2016/03/08, 2016/03/08
- Motalebi Azam, Mahdian Safarali, Tajick Ghanbary Mohammad Ali, Ghasemi Mir Shahram, The second international conference on new findings of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment, poster presentation, complete article, Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles by Trichoderma viridae in laboratory scale, 2016/03/08, 2016/03/08
Presented Papers in National Conferences
- Fatahi Saravi Nouna, Tajick Ghanbary Mohammad Ali, babaeizad Valiollah, Mahdian Safarali, Kiya Shaban, Third National Conference on Agricultural Biotechnology, poster presentation, complete article, Screening of some commercial wheat cultivars against the fungus Septoria tritici, 2012/09/03, 2012/09/05
- Asghari Arefeh, babaeizad Valiollah, Tajick Ghanbary Mohammad Ali, Mahdian Safarali, Fatahi Saravi Nouna, Eighth National Congress of Biotechnology and Fourth National Conference Biosafety on Iran, poster presentation, complete article, Molecular evaluation of two commercial cultivars reaction against brown rust fungus Puccinia triticina, 2013/07/06, 2013/07/08
- Asghari Arefeh, babaeizad Valiollah, Tajick Ghanbary Mohammad Ali, Mahdian Safarali, First International Congress And the Thirteenth Congress of Genetics in Iran, poster presentation, complete article, Expression analysis of PAL and PR3 genes in two cultivars of wheat against leaf rust fungus Puccinia triticina E., 2014/05/24, 2014/05/26
- Poorsina Mahdi, Mahdian Safarali, Twenty-one Iranian Plant Protection Congress, poster presentation, brief article, First report of Alternaria leaf spot on crimson bottle- brush in Iran, 2014/08/23, 2014/08/26
- Poorsina Mahdi, Mahdian Safarali, Tajick Ghanbary Mohammad Ali, Twenty Iranian Plant Protection Congress, poster presentation, brief article, Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles and its effect on several plant pathogens in vitro, 2014/08/23, 2014/08/26
- Rezaei Ali, babaeizad Valiollah, Mahdian Safarali, First National Conference on Agriculture, Environment and Food Security, poster presentation, complete article, Study of non-host resistance of wheat Sea cultivar against powdery mildew Blumeria gramiais f. sp. hordei at the microscopic level, 2015/03/03, 2015/03/03
- Karimi Mohmmadjavad, Mahdian Safarali, babaeizad Valiollah, The second national conference on new technologies in agriculture and natural resources, poster presentation, complete article, Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles using aqueous extract of nettle, 2015/10/15, 2015/10/15
- Ghahari Meherasa, Mahdian Safarali, babaeizad Valiollah, Tajick Ghanbary Mohammad Ali, The first national conference on agricultural development, healthy earth, poster presentation, complete article, The role of the resistance genes in wheat against root rot disease caused by Fusarium graminearum, 2016/01/20, 2016/01/20
- Nkrouy Sepideh, Mahdian Safarali, Fourth National Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resources, poster presentation, complete article, The effect of silver nanoparticles synthesized with sage extract on the fungus Penicillium digitatum, 2016/02/22, 2016/02/22
- Nkrouy Sepideh, Mahdian Safarali, The fourth congress of Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resources, poster presentation, complete article, Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles using aqueous extracts of Salvia and the impact of several factors on the size of the, 2016/02/22, 2016/02/22
- Motalebi Azam, Mahdian Safarali, Tajick Ghanbary Mohammad Ali, The 2nd International Conference on New Findings in Agricultural Science, Natural Resources and the Environment, poster presentation, brief article, Antibacterial effect of synthesized silver nanoparticles from Trichoderma fungi, 2016/03/08, 2016/03/08
- Ghahari Meherasa, Mahdian Safarali, babaeizad Valiollah, Tajick Ghanbary Mohammad Ali, Conference on research findings and technology in natural ecosystems and agriculture, poster presentation, complete article, Peroxidase gene expression in Wheat colonized by the endomycorrhize fungus Piriformospora indica after infection with Fusarium graminearum, 2016/09/08, 2016/09/08
- Doostdar Kal Kenari Khadijeh, Mahdian Safarali, Tajick Ghanbary Mohammad Ali, Third Conference on New Findings in the Environment and Agricultural Ecosystems, poster presentation, brief article, Effect of Saccharomyces Cervisia and Candida Glabra yeast against rice blast disease, 2016/09/24, 2016/09/24
- Doostdar Kal Kenari Khadijeh, Mahdian Safarali, Tajick Ghanbary Mohammad Ali, Third Conference on New Findings in the Environment and Agricultural Ecosystems, poster presentation, brief article, Effect of Silica Nanoparticles on Growth of Pyricularia Grisea Fungi Growth Rice Blast Agent, 2016/09/24, 2016/09/24
- Khalili Darka Ghobad, Mahdian Safarali, babaeizad Valiollah, Ebrahimnezhad Shahpour, First International and Second National Conference of Agriculture, Environment and Food Security, poster presentation, complete article, Evaluation of sensitivity of some varieties of wheat against powdery mildew fungus Blumeria graminis f.sp. tritici, 2017/02/28, 2017/02/28
- Doostdar Kal Kenari Khadijeh, Mahdian Safarali, Tajick Ghanbary Mohammad Ali, The first international conference and the second national conference on agriculture, environment and food security, poster presentation, brief article, Effect of silica nanoparticles on vegetative growth of Pyricularia grisea, a causative agent of rice blast disease, 2017/02/28, 2017/02/28
- Goohardehi Shirin, Mahdian Safarali, babaeizad Valiollah, First International and Second National Conference of Agriculture, Environment and Food Security, poster presentation, complete article, Efficacy of some metal nanoparticles and extract of Garlic and Walnuts plants in contol of citrus green mold (Penicillium digitatum)., 2017/02/28, 2017/02/28
- Abazari Azita, Mahdian Safarali, babaeizad Valiollah, Alavi Seyyed Mohammad, First International and Second National Conference of Agriculture, Environment and Food Security, poster presentation, complete article, Expression of genes associated with virulence in wild barley against powdery mildew fungus Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei, 2017/02/28, 2017/02/28
- Doostdar Kal Kenari Khadijeh, Mahdian Safarali, Tajick Ghanbary Mohammad Ali, First International and Second National Conference of Agriculture, Environment and Food Security, poster presentation, complete article, Effect of silica nanoparticles on the growth of fungal hyphae Pyricularia grisea Rice Blast, 2017/02/28, 2017/02/28
- Mahdian Safarali, Khaksari Mahsa, 2nd National Congress of Monitoring and Forecasting in Plant Protection, poster presentation, complete article, Control effect of some metal nanoparticle compared to Mancozeb and Chlorotalonil fungicides on the boxwood blight fungus agent Calonectria pseudonaviculata, 2017/03/09, 2017/03/09
- Doostdar Kal Kenari Khadijeh, Mahdian Safarali, Tajick Ghanbary Mohammad Ali, 2nd National Congress of Monitoring and Forecasting in Plant Protection, poster presentation, complete article, The effects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Candida glabrata against rice blast disease, 2017/03/09, 2017/03/09
- Ataei salami Taktem, Tajick Ghanbary Mohammad Ali, babaeizad Valiollah, Mahdian Safarali, Third National Conference on Applied Microbiology in Iran, poster presentation, brief article, Isolation and identification of endophytic fungi of free branches and hornbeam in southern areas of Sari city, 2017/05/24, 2017/05/24
- Ataei salami Taktem, Tajick Ghanbary Mohammad Ali, babaeizad Valiollah, Mahdian Safarali, Third National Conference on Applied Microbiology in Iran, poster presentation, complete article, Isolation and identification of endophytic fungi of free branches and hornbeam in southern areas of Sari city, 2017/05/24, 2017/05/24
- Ataei salami Taktem, Tajick Ghanbary Mohammad Ali, babaeizad Valiollah, Mahdian Safarali, Seventh Agricultural and Sustainable Natural Resources Conference, poster presentation, brief article, Isolation and Identification of Endophytic Fungi of Sarakhs from Shahid Zareh Sari Forest, 2017/07/05, 2017/07/05
- Doostdar kalkenari Nima, Mahdian Safarali, 23rd Iranian plant protection congress, poster presentation, brief article, Investigation of agronomic methods in Blast rice disease control Pyricularia grisea, 2018/08/27, 2018/08/30
- Amarloo omidali, Mahdian Safarali, 23rd Iranian plant protection congress, poster presentation, brief article, The study of grapevine fungal diseases with an emphasis on ESCA disease in the northeast of Iran, 2018/08/27, 2018/08/30
- Amarloo omidali, Mahdian Safarali, 23rd Iranian plant protection congress, poster presentation, brief article, Effect of Puccinia punctiforme on control of Cirsium vulgare control, 2018/08/27, 2018/08/30
- Doostdar kalkenari Nima, Mahdian Safarali, 23rd Iranian plant protection congress, poster presentation, brief article, Impact of mineral oil and silicon in comparison with Nativo fungicide in rice blast control in Mazandaran province, 2018/08/27, 2018/08/30
- Mahdian Safarali, Doostdar kalkenari Nima, Tajick Ghanbary Mohammad Ali, First Conference of Fundamental Research in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, poster presentation, complete article, Efficacy of silicon (nano and mineral) and mineral oil compared with Nativo fungicide for control of rice blast (Pyricularia grisea), 2019/06/13, 2019/06/13
- Namvar-hamzanlue Hamid, agh moh, Mahdian Safarali, Bakhshandeh Esmaeil, The 10th National Conference on Environment,Energy and Sustainable Natural Resources, poster presentation, complete article, Evaluation of the epidemic of internal grape blight in North Khorasan province using temporal progression curves, 2020/07/07, 2020/07/07
- Namvar-hamzanlue Hamid, agh moh, Mahdian Safarali, Bakhshandeh Esmaeil, 10th National Conference on Agriculture and Sustainable Natural Resources, poster presentation, complete article, Evaluation of incidence-severity relationship for downy mildew of grapevine in North Khorasan Province, 2020/07/07, 2020/07/07
- Namvar-hamzanlue Hamid, Mahdian Safarali, agh moh, Bakhshandeh Esmaeil, The 5th International Conference on the New Horizons in the Agricultural Sciences, Natural Resources and Environment, poster presentation, complete article, Evaluation of crop reduction due to infection with grape blight, 2020/09/20, 2020/09/20
- Namvar-hamzanlue Hamid, Mahdian Safarali, agh moh, Bakhshandeh Esmaeil, The 5th International Conference on the New Horizons in the Agricultural Sciences, Natural Resources and Environment, poster presentation, complete article, Quick and easy measurement of grape blight, 2020/09/20, 2020/09/20
- Lotfi Fatemeh, babaeizad Valiollah, Mahdian Safarali, Moradi Zohreh, 24 th Iranian Plant Protection Congress, poster presentation, brief article, Occurrence and spread of acacia leaf scorch disease in Mazandaran province, 2022/09/03, 2022/09/06
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